At Harewood, we’re here to help. As well as your child’s class teacher, the members of the school’s Pastoral Team are here to help you overcome any barriers to your child’s education and to support their social and emotional development alongside their academic progress.
A helping hand from the Pastoral Team:
- Mrs Mills – Headteacher & DSL
- Mrs Wood – Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion & DSL
- Mr Beardshaw Brown – Designated Safeguarding Lead for Online Safety
- Mrs Fogg – Pastoral Learning Support Mentor & Deputy DSL
- Mrs Jones – CiC TA
For any queries regarding special educational needs, Mrs Wood can be contacted via the school number – 01452 525364
Family courses offered by our school:
- Time out for Parents- A 6 week course to help you understand your child, reflect on behaviour strategies, and develop the family you want to have. Led by staff trained by Care For The Family.
- CAP money course- A 3 week course, led by a trained money coach, to help you budget, save and take control of your money.
- Homework project- A 2 or 3 week course to explore strategies to help your child engage with their homework.
- Sleep project- 3 weeks to explore routines and techniques to help you and your child relax and sleep.
- Family workshops- Held periodically throughout the school year, these are a chance to work side by side with your child on a shared project.
Up and Coming Family Learning Courses
First aid course with Adult Education runs 8th and 15th May, and includes time with your child. 10 family spaces for Years 3, 4 and 5. Family First Aid Course Details
New course: Building children’s emotional wellbeing. Fridays 10th and 17th May, 8:45-10:45am. Discussion group and ideas to support your children’s mental health with Mrs Fogg. Supporting Children’s Mental Health Details
Counting sleep: Fridays 7th and 14th June, 8:45-10:45am. Group for parents including some time with your children for activities to support good sleep.
Documents and Links
Trailblazer Programme Mental Health Support Teams in Schools (Click link)
HJS Local Offer of Early Help Leaflet
HJS Remote Learning Policy – June 2022
HJS Inclusion Policy January 2023
HJS SEN Information Report January 2025
HJS Safeguarding Policy November 2024
HJS – online safety and acceptable use – PUPILS – June 2022
HJS – online safety and acceptable use – STAFF – June 2022
Gloucestershire’s Local Offer:
Early Help Signposting for Families within Gloucestershire
Tic+ – Councelling, support and care for young people and families
Lumi Nova App – Fun digital therapy for childhood anxiety.
Young Minds Matter (YMM) – A safe and confidential mental health support service developed for children and young people up to 18 years of age in schools across Gloucestershire.
Beezee Bodies – Healthy Living Courses for Families.
National Autistic Society (Gloucestershire) – provides help, support and information to families, carers, partners, autistic people and anyone in the county of Gloucestershire with an interest in Autism.
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity – an integrated health and education service.
Glosfamilies Directory – An online directory bringing together information, services, resources, and things to do in Gloucestershire.
Parental Education Growth Support (PEGS) – Child to Parent abuse: Supporting Parents.
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) – Supporting victims of domestic abuse
Supporting children’s mental health- useful apps
MindShift is a free app designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety. It can help you change how you think about anxiety. Rather than trying to avoid anxiety, you can make an important shift and face it. Lists symptoms of anxiety. Offers strategies to manage worry, panic, conflict, ordinary anxiety, and three specialised categories of anxiety: test anxiety, social anxiety, and perfectionism. Also contains relaxation exercises.
MoodGYM is a free, fun, interactive program to help young people with low mood. Based on cognitive behaviour and interpersonal therapy, it consists of five modules, which help you to explore: why you feel the way you do; changing the way you think; knowing what makes you upset; assertiveness and interpersonal skills training.
SmilingMind is a modern meditation for young people from 7 years up. It is a free web and App based program, designed to help bring balance to young lives. Smiling Mind was created in Australia and is aimed at helping young people de-stress and stay calm. There are tailored programmes for different age groups.
SuperBetter is a free web and app-based programme created by game designers. Playing SuperBetter helps build personal resilience: the ability to stay strong, motivated, and optimistic even in the face of difficult challenges. Resilience has a powerful effect on health – by boosting physical and emotional well-being. SuperBetter is for young people over the age of 13 who want to feel happier, healthier, and more able to reach their goals.
Stay Alive App
A pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. The app can be accessed through the Apple Store, Google Play and downloaded as a pdf.
Getting advice and reporting problems online:
Internet Matters:
Think you know:
UK Safer Internet Centre:
Report Harmful Content:
Information on which games and social networks are appropriate for children:
Net Aware:
Should Kids be using Facebook?
How to set parental controls on devices and games:
Internet Matters parental controls index:
Parental Controls for iPhone / iPad:
Parental controls for Android:
Parental controls for Youtube:
Internet Matters parental control guides for key devices, broadband and social media apps – click link
Online Safety supporting information:
Reporting concerns flowchart for children – FINAL
HJS Remote Learning Policy – June 2022
If you have any questions or need support on any issues surrounding online safety, please contact Mr Beardshaw-Brown on 01452 525364 or via email: