Policies and Procedures

Harewood Junior School

Policies and Procedures

All policies are available to read at the school office upon request. However, we have included a number of essential policies here and in the Safeguarding and Support Section.

Policies that we are consulting on will be included in the ‘Your Views’ section of the website.

HJS School Uniform Policy – Please see full details in our current prospectus (click link)

Harewood Junior School Ofsted Report – November 2018

A quick guide to data protection at Harewood Junior

HJS Accessibility February 24

HJS Admissions Criteria and Policy 2024

HJS Admissions Criteria and Policy 2025

HJS Attendance and CME Policy 2023-24

HJS Behaviour and Anti-bullying Aut 23

HJS Charging and Remissions Policy October 23

HJS Equal Opportunity Policy 24

HJS Emergency School Closure Information for parents

HJS – Filtering and Monitoring Policy – October 2023

HJS Governors Statement of Principles Aut 23

HJS Inclusion Policy January 2023

HJS Keeping parents informed and dealing with concerns

HJS Physical Intervention Policy 2022

HJS Medicines Policy 2023

HJS Public Sector Equality Duty Statement

HJS Pupil Online Safety Policy 2022

HJS Staff Online Safety Policy 2022

HJS Race Equality Policy

HJS Safeguarding Policy November 2023

HJS SEND Policy January 2024

HJS Remote Learning Policy – June 2022

HJS RSE Policy – March 2024

HJS Homework Policy January 2023

In Year Application Form May 22

Seesaw GDPR statement – September 2022

HJS Gender Equality Scheme – February 2021

HJS SMSC policy – Jan 2022