Our Curriculum

Harewood Junior School

Our Curriculum

We believe that every child has the potential to achieve and we ensure this through our rich and varied curriculum and the structured teaching of key skills particularly in Literacy and Numeracy, matched to the needs of each child.

Literacy and Numeracy skills are taught daily and are used across the whole curriculum. All children have reading, writing and maths targets for each half term and these are essential stepping stones in their progress.

Children are taught through termly themes, which bring learning to life, with regular experiences, trips, visits and visitors to enhance classroom practice. The themes tend to have a key focus of history, geography or science and draw in other subjects, particularly the arts, as they link to the topic.

Although our curriculum aims to combine experiences with knowledge and understanding of key skills and concepts for all foundation subjects through termly themes, some subjects or topics need to be taught discretely.  RE is delivered during assemblies and in separate lessons, as is French, which is taught throughout the school by introducing children to basic language skills in a fun and lively way.

We are very lucky to have a variety of easily accessible sports facilities. Our staff work with local coaches and sports groups, to provide an excellent PE curriculum and each child has the opportunity of a term’s swimming lessons at Holmleigh Park Swimming Pool. We hold the Silver Mark for School Sports and were one of the first schools to be accredited with the Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning Award. Our curriculum also aims to develop the whole child and as such includes elements such as mindfulness, peer massage, work on understanding emotional well-being and mental health through our PHSCE curriculum and support from our Pastoral Team.

We pride ourselves on the range of learning activities available for our children and wherever possible include opportunities for collaborative work with other schools and our partners in the South Gloucester Learning Trust. Our work with the local community and a range of charities help children to understand their own place within society and we have strong links with the churches within the parish.

Look in the Year group folders to see what the curriculum looks like for your child this term.

HJS SMSC policy – Jan 2022

HJS Whole School Curriculum Theme Overview

Key Skills, Knowledge & Understanding

As part of Harewood Junior School’s unwavering commitment to the highest standards of teaching and learning for our students, we are in the process of an extensive review and redesign of our curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of our children.

Below you can find updated Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding documents across a range of our core and foundation subjects, with the remaining curriculum areas currently being updated.

Each subject leader plans, maps and oversees the implementation of their subject in detail; with each year group across the school developing medium and short-term plans specific to their classes each year.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss any aspect of our school’s curriculum.


HJS Art – Curriculum Overview

HJS Computing Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS DT Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS English Reading Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS French Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS – Geography KSU – 2023

History – Key Knowledge Skills & Understanding

HJS Maths Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS Music Key Skills, knowledge and understanding

HJS PE Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

PHSE and RSE Key Skills , Knowledge and Understanding

HJS – Poetry Overview

HJS – Reading Spine 2023-24

RE – we follow the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE 2017-22:


HJS Science Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

HJS Writing Genres Overview 2023-24

HJS – Writing – Year Group Objectives – Y3

HJS – Writing – Year Group Objectives – Y4

HJS – Writing – Year Group Objectives – Y5

HJS – Writing – Year Group Objectives – Y6