Year Groups

Harewood Junior School

Year Groups

Year 3

Tomb Raiders is the Year 3 Summer topic based on the Ancient Egyptians. Children will be delving into the history of the ancient civilisation by handling both authentic and replica artefacts, as well as re-enacting a tomb discovery.  As well as making their own Egyptian glossaries, in Literacy the children will create their own spooky story about an Egyptian mummy come-to-life.  Throughout this term our class readers will include The Breakfast Club Investigators: The Beast Beyond the Fence by Marcus Rashford, which is always a huge hit with all the children!

Year 3 Summer Term 1 Parent Overview


Year 3 Summer half-term homework 2024


Year 3 Spellings Summer Term 1

Year 3 Spellings Summer Term 2

These pictures from literacy, in which the children are reenacting The Jungle Book.

Year 4

This Summer Term, our Year 4 topic is Glorious Glevum. The children will be learning about the Romans with a specific focus on Gloucester and local history. We will also study how the Romans invaded and ruled over most of Europe. We will be reading ‘Twitch’ as our class reader, alongside other rich texts to enhance the vocabulary of the children and immerse them in the topic. In Science, we will be studying teeth, the digestive system and food chains. The children will enjoy a variety of enrichment experiences, such as a visit to Gloucester Museum for a Roman experience to consolidate historical and geographical learning from the year and the annual ‘Roman Day’.

Y4 Curriculum Summary

Y4 Parent Information

Y4 Spelling Practice Poster


Y4 Spellings


Holiday Learning Project

Year 5

As part of our Summer term topic, we will return to the Saxon period, and learn about the Vikings, who began raiding our shores during the 8th Century. We will investigate the struggle for dominance and power that followed when the Vikings decided to settle in Britain. Further we will build a picture of how the Saxons and Vikings through the agreement of Danelaw managed, for the most part, to coexist, with the eventual dominance of the Saxon King Alfred the Great and Athelstan. In English we will through, drama and writing, explore the savage Viking raids, We will be writing diary recounts of the attack, imagining that we are one of the monks, who having managed to escape and hide, witnessed the terrible scene that unfolded on that day. In Science, we will be studying plant and animal life cycles and how humans change as they develop, as well as linking to our Science topic through a balanced argument about dewilding.

Y5 Parent Information Afternoon

Y5 Curriculum Summary


Y5 Spellings Summer 1

Y5 Spellings Summer 2

Year 6

Our topic this term is Science based, as we explore the life and work of the pioneering naturalist, geologist and biologist Charles Darwin. We will investigate the history of the discovery of the evolution of life: exploring the work of the incredible scientists who came before Darwin and how their amazing discoveries and work allowed Darwin to develop his theory over time. We will move on to the classification and identification of animals based on their characteristics, and see how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment and understanding that these adaptations may lead to evolution. We will be able to recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, and will have features inherited from the parents, but are not identical and vary from each other. Finally, we will explore how fossils are created and how they provided us with evidence of what lived on the Earth millions of years ago and provided evidence to support the theory of evolution. In Geography, we will follow in the footsteps of Darwin and travel to the spellbinding Galapagos Islands – the volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean considered one of the world’s foremost destinations for wildlife-viewing.


Y6 Curriculum Summary


Y6 Spellings Summer 1