Year Groups

Harewood Junior School

Year Groups

Year 3

This autumn, Year 3 will be studying ‘Jungle Fever’ as their topic, linked to the rainforest. They will be learning about plants and animals that live in the Brazilian rainforests. Children will learn about the location and the climate, and will also consider deforestation and fair-trade issues.  We will be reading The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and our class story will be I Believe in Unicorns by Michael Morpurgo. In Science, the children will investigate factors that help plants grow, and will study the purpose of each part of a plant. Not to forget, the children will also be visiting The Bristol Zoo Project!

Y3 Curriculum Summary




Year 4

Eureka is the Autumn topic where the children will learn all about the Ancient Greeks. That Eureka moment is exactly what we want to observe as the children explore the realms, myths and legends of the Ancient Greeks. Throughout the term, the children will investigate where the Greeks fit in History, where they are from and how their influence and legacy has still impacted our world today. Additionally, the children will learn about what made the Greeks so powerful, key events such as the Trojan war and who the Athenians and Spartans were. More thrilling and exciting activities will take place from researching and creating their own labyrinth game Design and Technology, to having a Greek inspired day where the children can experience what life would have been like during this historical period.

Y4 Curriculum Overview

Y4 Parent Information Afternoon

Y4 Spelling Practice Poster


Y4 Spellings Autumn Term

Year 5

For our theme this autumn, we will become archaeologists. Discovering facts about our ancestors: the Anglo-Saxons. We will explore how Gloucester has a rich history of Saxon settlement. Through drama and writing, we will follow the story of the great hero Beowulf and retell our own tales of heroes and villains to share around the fire. In addition to this, we will be creating mysterious Anglo-Saxon riddles too. Through science and design technology, we will be investigating the properties of different materials in order to design and make Saxon jewellery and clothing. It’s going to be a busy time!

Y5 Parents Information

Y5 Parent Overview Autumn


Y5 Spelling Overview 1 Autumn

Y5 Spelling Overview 2 Autumn

Year 6

This term we travel back in time and across Europe to explore the Middle East during the Golden Age of ancient Islamic civilisation. Once familiarising ourselves with a timeline of historical periods and using our map skills to locate the countries of the Middle East, we will be learning about the daily lives, achievements and legacy of this Golden Age.  In addition to this, we will be taking a trip a little closer to home, as we learn about the life-changing research of Dr Edward Jenner. We will be learning all about his amazing discovery and the impact that this has had on our lives. Also in science, we will be learning about light and electricity; conducting many experiments and investigations along the way.  When we are not busy exploring new places and travelling back in time, we shall be showing off our writing skills and challenging ourselves with complex mathematical reasoning. There will also be plenty of P.E to keep ourselves fit and healthy, as well opportunities for art, design, music and much more. Whatever the term may bring, it certainly won’t be short of excitement.

Y6 Parent Information

Y6 Curriculum Summary Autumn


Year 6 Spellings – Autumn 1A Overview