Year Groups

Harewood Junior School

Year Groups

Year 3

This term’s topic, Rock ‘n’ Roll, has a history focus and will be based around prehistoric Britain. We will be exploring The Stone Age and considering the changes that occurred during the Bronze and Iron Ages before the Romans invaded Britain. We will learn how Stone Age people survived as hunter-gatherers, and we will be studying Stonehenge as an important historic site from this period. We will consider the significance of historic artefacts in giving us clues about the past before the time of written language, and construct timelines to order events.

Science will primarily focus on the formation of rocks and soil. We will study the three main types of rock and learn how to classify them using their different properties. With this in mind, the children will also explore the life of Mary Anning and her famous discoveries. The children will love our class reader, The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley, a story about a young boy who travels back in time to the Stone Age. We will also use The Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura and How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley to aid their writing in Literacy.

Y3 Curriculum Overview Spring


Y3 Spellings – Spring Term 1

Y3 Spellings – Spring Term 2

Year 4

During the Spring term, the Year 4 topic will be Deadly Disasters. The children will be learning about the continents, the location of major seas, oceans and rivers of the world, as well as natural disasters and how they occur. Subsequently, we will focus on pressing issues in the world today such as global warming. Throughout the term, children will be delving into a new class reader ‘When the Mountains Roared’, alongside other rich texts to enhance their vocabulary and immerse them in the topic. In Science, we will be studying the water cycle as well as reversible and irreversible changes of state. Additionally, the children will enjoy a variety of enrichment experiences such as, a local visit to Daniel’s Brook to see how the flood defences have benefitted Gloucester, designing and creating a torch and learning about Mental Health during our annual Mental Health Fortnight.

Y4 Curriculum Overview Spring

Y4 Parent Information Afternoon

Y4 Spelling Practice Poster

Y4 Spring 1 and 2 Critical Path


Y4 Spellings Spring Term

Year 5

For our Spring Term Topic, we are going to be exploring the vastness of space! We are going to learn all about the planets in our solar system, cover the Space Race and delve into the science of how things work in our galaxy. In our writing, we will be creating our own Sci-Fi stories to coincide with our class reader ‘The Boy In The Tower’ by Polly Ho Yen, as well as writing our own poetry and an explanation piece. We will also be covering the work of Paul Klee in Art, designing our own moon buggy in DT and taking part in both dance and rugby in PE. It’s going to be out of this world!

Y5 Parents Information

Y5 Parent Overview Spring


Y5 Spellings Spring 1

Y5 Spellings Spring 2

Year 6

Our topic this term is largely science and PSHE based, as we explore the most incredible machine – the human body. We will start by learning about the organs of our body, our body systems and everything that we can do to keep our bodies working well. We will also be learning about how different substances effect our body and healthy choices that we can make. Later in the term we will discuss how our bodies change as we grow up and human reproduction. In a secondary topic, we will be travelling across the Seven Seas as we read the famous Treasure Island and start our Pirate Anthologies. Over the term, we will explore a range of writing genres, all with a pirate theme. This always proves to be an exciting topic and we look forward to reading the wonderful writing that our talented young authors produce.

Y6 Residential 2025

Y6 Parent Information

Y6 Overview Spring


Y6 Spellings Spring